
Pig House


Pig house upgrade

台灣豬一旦染上非洲豬瘟 ,養豬業至少要35年才會恢復元氣,經濟將遭逢2000億台幣災損。非洲豬瘟疫情彷彿顆未爆彈,台灣豬農們各個戰戰兢兢,就怕當年口蹄疫造成豬價崩盤再次重演,全面落實防疫、配合政策,才有機會戰勝病毒。

Once Taiwan's pigs are infected with African swine fever, it will take at least 35 years for the pig industry to recover, and the economy will suffer a disaster of 200 billion Taiwan dollars. The African swine fever epidemic is like an unexploded bomb. The pig farmers in Taiwan are trembling, fearing that the foot-and-mouth disease caused the price collapse of pigs to repeat itself. Only by fully implementing epidemic prevention and cooperating policies can we have a chance to defeat the virus.

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